Programs and Events

We all know that making it in Hollywood can be tough. Even if you’re already an established industry professional, your career progress can stall out if you’re lacking the higher skills you need to get to the next level.

MPii was founded by industry professionals to help you to get the skills you need to take that next step up– whether it’s career-building strategy, craft skills, building your network, or getting you foot in the right door, you need to be ready to make the most of every opportunity when it happens. Our training programs and events are designed to make sure you are staying current, so you’ve got what you need to know to climb the Hollywood ladder, and  strengthen your network of professional relationships along the way.

MPii’s programs are lead by industry professionals, who are committed to providing opportunities for a diverse range of people in all MP/TV fields by generously sharing their insider trade secrets with you.

MPii programs are guaranteed to provide the best professional career-building tools available.

Our Selection of Programs