The Motion Picture Industry Institute was literally founded at a roundtable. Despite working at competing companies, working industry professionals came together at a round table hidden in the back of a Hollywood restaurant to confidentially discuss and help each other with their individual and collective career and work challenges.
Within the discussions, it became clear that there was a need for a place where working industry professionals could learn from each other and actively problem solve. Talking about a challenge one person might be struggling with at their job often evolved into awareness of the need to address that issue industry wide, leading to the creation of subcommittees to research and even improve upon industry best practices.
The roundtables were soon formalized to be invitation only, strictly confidential, with a prepared agenda focussing on a specific theme or issue. The meetings were held regularly in various areas of the industry such as story development, production management, technology, set safety, diversity and inclusion, etc. Over time, the roundtables, and the high-level research gathered from them, became the core of what is now the Motion Picture Industry Institute.
Founded on the inclusive idea that “There’s always room for one more at a round table”, for more than 30 years now, MPii continues to bring industry professionals together to solve the challenges they face in their daily work and to improve our industry standards.
Past roundtable participants report many benefits in attending, including:
- Establishing yourself as an active leader in your area of the industry,
- Support and solutions for the career and work challenges that you and your industry colleagues are facing,
- A fun opportunity to network with other working professionals in your field,
- Making a positive impact and contribution to the well-being of our industry.
For more information about the roundtables at MPii, email us at