MPii – PSF – Application Instructions, Step 2

Welcome to Step 2 of the application process for the Career Excelerator for Screenwriters at MPii.  

At this point you should have commenced your application by filling out and submitting the initial application form (#1), providing your name, email address and some preliminary information.

If you haven’t already done that part, go do it now. 

Also, if you haven’t yet read through the entire FAQ for this program, we STRONGLY recommend that you do so before you move on with the next steps of the application process, which is less about judging your skills or talent, and more about helping you determine if the program is a good fit for you. The more you know about the program, the better you will be able to go through the application process successfully. 

This next step in the application process which will involve six steps, is to make a short video interview of yourself answering the following basic questions (see below). 

But first some helpful tips:

No need to use anything more than a phone camera, in an environment that is reasonably quiet (so we can hear you)  and well-lit (so we can see you). 

We recommend that you not put a lot of time and effort into preparing, but simply answer the questions as naturally and authentically as you can. Bear in mind that this application process is less about judging you (the way most application processes are) and more about helping you to determine whether this program is a good fit for you. 

Pro tip: Don’t read written-out answers, as that tends to get in the way of your own natural presentation. Sure you can make some notes in advance of key things you may want to share.

  1. shoot a super-simple video interview of yourself answering the following interview questions.
  2. submit it to us by posting your video to YouTube (be sure to set the “Visibility” sharing/privacy to “UNLISTED” so we can view it!)
  3.  Share a link with us using THIS FORM HERE. Ideally, within the next day or two.

HEADS UP: As soon as you press SUBMIT using the above form, as the Google form acknowledges receipt of your information, you will be given the URL link to the next step of the application process. Look out for this and be prepared to copy that URL and paste it into your browser to go to the instructions for the next step. 

Note: if you don’t share the YouTube link with us via the above-referenced form, we won’t know that you did the self-interview and you will have in essence self-selected yourself out of the application process.  

ALSO, be sure to set your YouTube video to “UNLISTED” so that it’s not available to the general public, and yet we can still see it. 

AND, remember to use the same email address, as that’s how we keep track of your application steps as they come in.


As you answer these questions, a few things to bear in mind:  

  • While you need not produce any sort of visual extravaganza, be professional.  You can use your phone or a video camera, just make sure that there’s not too much background noise so that you can be clearly heard, and enough light that you can be clearly seen.
  • Just like an in-person interview, do not read from a script (and no cheating with a teleprompter), but you could prepare (write down in bullet points, and practice) your thoughts in advance. 
  • It’s okay to show some personality and uniqueness. But do keep your answers focused and brief (a minute or so for each question, MAX).
  • Your responses are confidential (not to be posted online, etc.), however they may become part of your permanent record at MPii (so honesty counts).



  1. What’s your name? Briefly tell us, where are you from?  What’s your life, educational and/or work background?
  2. What is your exposure to/experience within the motion picture industry (note: none required)?
  3. Describe your interest in becoming a professional screenwriter. Why screenwriting for you? How did you discover your interest in screenwriting? 
  4. Tell about a time when you struggled with something complex and challenging and how you responded to it.
  5. Tell us about something that really bugs, annoys or frustrates you (it could have nothing to do with the motion picture industry).
  6. Tell us about something that really excites, inspires, invigorates you. 
  7. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? How did it work out in the end?

Again, thank you for your interest in this program, and for your willingness to participate in this somewhat different application process, during which our aim is not to judge your talent or even skills level so much as help you determine if this intensive, rigorous 2-year program is the right fit for you at this point in your life and career.

We hope you enjoy the process and we look forward to learning more about you.