MPii – CES – Application Instructions Step 4
Welcome to the next step in the application process for the Career Excelerator for Screenwriters at MPii.
This step is designed to challenge you to conduct a bit of a self-evaluation. This can be particularly awkward and uncomfortable for most of us. Not to worry. We’ve got some info to share with you which is intended to help.
So go check out some of the ideas in this 12 page discourse on some of the issues that relate to self-assessment and the challenges therein. It may cover stuff you’ve encountered before, that might be a useful refresher, or it might have a new thing or two that might prove useful.
If it makes things a bit more difficult, we apologize (a little), but that’s actually a good sign! Hang in and maybe reread it a time or two to get a bit more comfortable with the concepts.
Then, when you feel ready, go to THIS FORM HERE and answer the questions, before moving on to the next step of the application process.